Innovating the future

Finding innovative solutions using DARQ Technologies (Distributed Ledger - Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Mixed Reality and Quantum Computing) for current challenging problems to create a better future.

What Do We Offer

LAN Innovations helps enterprises to work smarter and faster with our next-generation end-to-end solutions and consulting.

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Our New Tech Expertise


  • Machine Learning - Let the computers predict your outcomes by learning hidden patterns in the big chunk of data.
  • Augmented Reality - Experience the advantage of mixing the real world with digital world in mobiles and wearables.
  • Distributed Ledger (Blockchain) - Tracks the provenance of an asset by immutable records.
  • Big Data & Analytics - Collect, organize and analyze diversified and huge volume of data.
  • Robotics - Let the machines work for you instead of you working on the machines.
  • Quantum Computing - Be an Early-bird to avail the advantage of multidimensional computing instead of traditional binary computations.
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Keeping Good Company

LAN Innovations is proud to partner with leading technology companies across a broad spectrum to bring emerging technologies to everyone.